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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Top 5 Tips To Help You Manage Your Online Reputation

If others are talking about your brand online, you better hope they are saying nice things. Are you listening to what they are saying? Your online presence on social media plays a critical role in how others perceive you and your business. If people are happy with and like you, others will know. In the same vein, If they are not, others will know this too.

If you are not proactively building and managing your online reputation, you better get started. People love to share negative opinions and what they say travels like the speed of light. Businesses that do not catch and react promptly to what unhappy customers are saying about them, risk loss of business.

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You must monitor what others are saying about your products or services. Below are some actionable tips on how to manage and track your online reputation.

Think Twice

1. Before you post something, whether a picture, a quote, a comment, or an entire blog post think twice about it if it is controversial. Stories abound of people who made an innocent comment on Twitter then became the top trending topic overnight, and not in a good way.

If you would not say it or share it openly, perhaps you might not want to say it or share it, at all.

Build your Brand

2. Keep building your brand through blog posts, articles, press releases, and comments, that matches the image you are trying to project for your business.

The more positive content you have out there on the web, the more likely anything negative will be buried.

Be Active

3. It is so easy to automate a lot of social media today, that we could technically ignore social media for weeks without anyone being the wiser about our absence.

We are sharing blog posts, Tweets, and news articles automatically, but are we active enough in our online presence to share other people’s good news?

Ask for Reviews
4. Not only should you ask clients and customers for reviews, but you should also promote those good reviews on all channels.

By promoting the good reviews that you get, you will put a lot of good news into the search results for anyone searching for you.

Google Yourself

5. First, remove the personalization from the search to get the right results. Learn how to phrase your searches properly so that you can find out what people really see when they search for you, your business, products or services.

Managing your online reputation involves knowing how to behave in general so that you don't accidentally do something to damage your online reputation on your own. It's important to always be aware of who you are, what you stand for, and to accurately project that to people online.  Here are the five online reputation management Don'ts.


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