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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Link Up With #TWUM

The Wrap-Up Magazine is calling all music and entertainment sites to link up with our growing fan base. Lets grow together to bring a wider platform for musicians from all over. Join in with other PR's and post your articles also.

Whether we are showing RSS feeds on each other sites, or creating articles to help bring attention to each other. Having your content shared through bookmarking sites can drive traffic and that's a fact.

This is a call of for all websites that want to create back links or share contents from each others site. Lets engage together to help bring more visitation to one another.

Read, comment, and enjoys some of our categories below!

Artist Facts
Read and discover some of the true stories behind the music. Click Here

Celebrity Match Up
See who is the best at what they do when we match up celebrities. Click Here

Fans Favorite
What is your favorite song, celebrity, or musician? These are some of the things we like to type about. Click Here

There are a'lot more articles and pages we like to tag up. Be sure to see the site for yourself. See what's going on daily with unsigned artist, movies, and more.

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